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Senate House Library

Tudor Church Music Collection

The collection

A unique collection of photostat copies and transcriptions of manuscript and printed music of the Tudor and Jacobean periods, made in connection with the preparation of the 10-volume work entitled , published between 1922 and 1929 on behalf of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust by Oxford University Press. The collection comprises approximately 20,000 sheets of photostats and transcripts of choral and instrumental works from various repositories including Peterhouse, Cambridge, Durham Cathedral, the British Library, the Bodleian Library and Christ Church, Oxford, and  Windsor Castle.

The collector

The collection was compiled in the course of the production of the series; the transcripts are chiefly by Alexander Ramsbotham.  The editorial committee also included Sir Percy Buck, Edmund H. Fellowes, R.R. Terry and Sylvia Townsend Warner.


The collection was given to the Library by the Trust in 1932.


A box list of the Collection is available online. Published copies of the Tudor Church music series are available in the Music collection and are listed on the .

The collection is held off-site and material requires 48 hours (excluding weekends) to be fetched.