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Senate House Library

Membership ID

Most àËÅöÊÓƵ memberships

Most àËÅöÊÓƵ students, staff and faculty can bring their college ID card or staff card to complete their registration with the Library.

All other memberships

All other memberships require two types of ID:

  1. Proof of your current address
  2. A form of photo identification

Evidence of your current address must clearly show your name.

We accept these original documents as proof of address:

  • Utility bill (gas, electricity, telephone or water)
  • Bank / building society statement 
  • Credit card statement
  • Council tax bill 
  • National identity card with address
  • Driving licence with address
  • Pay slips

We accept these as photo ID:

  • Passport
  • Driving licence
  • National ID card
  • Railcard
  • British Library card
  • Student Oyster photocard 

View information about joining the Library.

For more information about joining the Library, please contact Membership Services: 


020 7862 8500 (in the UK)
+44 (0)20 7862 8500 (outside the UK)
Membership Services
Senate House Library
Malet Street