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Disciplinary innovation and development

Projects that explore specific educational challenges to be found in various disciplinary contexts and potential solutions in the online environment.

Many of the challenges facing educationalists in the online digital learning environment transcend disciplinary boundaries: student engagement and retention, plagiarism and academic integrity, equality and diversity, for example.

Approaches to which can often be applied across a broad swathe of subjects and levels of study. However different disciplines can also present their own unique challenges. Practical subjects such as Art and Design, Sports or Medicine require interaction with the physical world. Mathematics and ancient languages entail use of symbolic notation not readily available on standard digital device interfaces.

The projects in this section explore specific educational challenges to be found in various disciplinary contexts and potential solutions in the online environment.

The kinds of questions they address are:

  • What would an effective approach to teaching digital humanities look like?
  • How is the content of online programmes changing to reflect growing concerns about the impact of climate change?
  • How best can careers development be incorporated into online learning programmes?

Disciplinary innovation and development projects

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