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Centre for Online and Distance Education

Dr Pete Cannell

Educational researcher and Associate Lecturer in Mathematics

Based in Scotland, Pete has worked in the field of open and distance education for thirty-five years. He was Depute Director (Learning, Teaching and Curriculum) at the OU in Scotland from 2005-2014.

From 2014-2017 he was co-director of the Scottish Funding Council’s Scotland wide Opening Educational Practice in Scotland project (OEPS) and he’s currently the chair of SCAPP (Scotland’s Community of Access and Participation Practitioners). He has particular interests in widening participation, open educational practice and distance learning.

As Depute Director at the OU in Scotland he was involved with developing projects across a broad spectrum, including external partnerships and research in areas of widening participation, college/university transitions, employability, skills, work-based learning, Open Educational Practice, and e- and blended learning.

As co-director of the OEPS project Pete was involved in research and short course development at the interface of open practice, OER development, widening participation and educational transitions. OEPS was a cross-sector project involving both the formal and informal education sectors and was distinctive in considering the creation and use of open educational resources (OER), and in particular the use of open courses, through a social justice lens.