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Centre for Online and Distance Education

Special Interest Groups

Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), bring together individuals around common themes.

SIGs are established for a limited period of time and are active as long as members continue to pursue the special interest on which they are focused.

Special Interest Groups - SIGs

Special Interest Group Convenor role

CODE SIGs offer members an opportunity to work collaboratively, sharing ideas, news, and opinions related to a particular area of interest and building connections within the HE community. SIGs are encouraged to hold meetings for the exchange of ideas, either face-to-face during CODE events or online or via social media. SIGs can have either one or two conveners so that the activities listed below can be shared.

The SIG convener ensures that key functions of the SIG are supported, also instigating participatory activities, with member shared responsibilities.

To support the SIG a convener:

  • Chairs the SIG meetings.
  • Shares announcements, disseminates ideas, issues and meeting notes to the SIGmembership.
  • Communicates SIG activities with the broader CODE community (by using the CODE email address).
  • Solicits SIG for ideas for events, e.g., presentation at RIDE or Supporting Student Success event, etc.
  • Appoints one member of the SIG to act as recorder for the meeting (if applicable).
  • Finds a substitute chair if unable to attend a meeting.
  • Maintains the SIG web space (Microsoft Teams or Google Drive etc) and/or social media accounts in order to communicate with SIG members.

At the request of the convener and SIG membership agreement, a SIG can combine with another SIG, or change its name, or recommend that the group be dissolved. The convener role expires upon the Fellowship renewal, or when the convener wishes to relinquish the role.