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Institute in Paris

Our library

A wide range of on- and off-site study resources and facilities.

You will benefit from access to a wide range of study resources and facilities, including several libraries, electronic information services, and computing facilities.

The àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris Library is located on the first floor and is open exclusively to our students. It is the primary source of support and research material for students and staff, offering subject-specific resources. You will also have access to both the àËÅöÊÓƵ and Queen Mary àËÅöÊÓƵ online libraries.

The Institute in Paris Library also offers a comfortable, welcoming and secure space for study, research, work and interaction. Our Head of Library is on-hand to introduce you to the facilities and services available, and to point you in the right direction towards any off-site provision. You will be introduced to the library facilities and services before commencing studies.

Learning facilities include:

  • traditional silent reading areas
  • quiet conversation areas
  • printing, scanning and photocopying facilities
  • computer area

Opening hours

Library Entry

Use your ID card to access the Library*

  • Monday to Friday: 8 am – 8:30 pm, Saturday 8 am – 6:30 pm
  • Please note that the hours are subject to change; check announcements on the Student Hub or the QMPlus forum

*Note the building is closed on Sundays and during French Public Holidays and over the Christmas, Easter and Summer periods. See term dates.

Libraries off-site in Paris

Registered students benefit from access to a number of libraries in Paris. The city offers an extensive choice of public and institutional libraries, as well as specialist collections, which can complement your studies. Several general and specialist university, public, and private libraries are within close proximity to the àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris, and many have substantial holdings in English.

Through the àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris Library, all Institute in Paris students can gain access to , which is within walking distance. Please note that Queen Mary in Paris students can benefit from a 10% discount on the American Library in Paris student membership rate.

Other Parisian libraries of interest include:

  • Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire Sainte Geneviève
  • Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF)
  • Bibliothèque Publique d’Information in the Pompidou Centre

Please consult the Head of Library for more information.

Senate House Library, àËÅöÊÓƵ

You can also make use of the Senate House Library should you find yourself in àËÅöÊÓƵ. All àËÅöÊÓƵ students are entitled to physical and remote access to the Senate House Library, one of the largest humanities and social science libraries in the UK.

It has been actively developed since 1870 and now holds around two million titles and receives about 5,500 current periodical titles.

àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris students should consult with the Head of Library regarding remote access. Visit the .

Doctoral and Visiting Fellow Affiliate Membership

The àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris invites doctoral students and colleagues working in areas broadly related to those of its research faculty and taught programmes to become affiliate members of the Institute during a period of research or residency in Paris and gain access to our research resources.

For a termly or annual fee, the Institute in Paris can provide visiting doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows with affiliate membership of the àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris and this entitles them to:

  • Access to the building and facilities, via an access card, from 8 am until 8:30 pm during weekdays and 6:30 pm on Saturdays (the building is closed on Sunday).
  • Wi-Fi access via Eduroam log-ins which will enable access to the affiliates own electronic provision.
  • Printing, photocopying and scanning facilities
  • Access to the basement area where there are self-catering facilities
  • Where applicable, the Institute in Paris library staff and faculty will be able to assist with access to other research holdings in Paris and general academic mentorship.

Current fees are:

  • 300€ per term
  • 700€ per year

These fees are institutional rates. Self-funding affiliates may be eligible for a discount on request subject to the approval of the àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris's Chief Executive Officer. Please contact us via our web form to find out more about this opportunity.

The library is your place to work and research, and your access point to information available throughout the àËÅöÊÓƵ, Paris and beyond. Make it the gateway to your future!
Kim Le Minh - Head of Library, IT and Facilities