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Commonwealth Scholarships

Applications for 2024-25 Commonwealth Scholarships are now closed.

Commonwealth Scholarships are available for a number of àËÅöÊÓƵ programmes by distance learning:

  • MA Human Rights (School of Advanced Study)
  • MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies (School of Advanced Study)
  • MSc Clinical Trials (LSHTM)
  • MSc Global Health Policy (LSHTM)
  • MSc Public Health (LSHTM)
  • MSc Epidemiology (LSHTM)
  • MSc Infectious Disease (LSHTM)
Students and visitors attend the Commonwealth lunch
Ten scholarships are available for LSHTM programmes via distance learning.

These full fee-waiver awards are for residents of developing Commonwealth countries (see below for details).

You apply for these courses through the àËÅöÊÓƵ. For scholarship applications, please follow the specific directions below.

àËÅöÊÓƵ School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

School of Advanced Study (SAS)

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