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Module information>

Academic Direction
àËÅöÊÓƵ School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Modes of Study

The aim of this module is to give students a broad understanding of TB control, with an emphasis on the biology and pathology of tuberculosis, and how modern techniques of molecular biology and immunology can be harnessed to combat an old plague.This module is suitable for a wide audience, including biologists interested in the host-pathogen interaction in tuberculosis, clinical and non-clinical staff who are involved in TB control programs, and those involved in policy-making.


15 [150 hours]


2hr 15 unseen written examination (70%) and an assessed assignment comprising a 2500 word essay (30%).

If you fail the module, you are allowed one further attempt at the failed element (examination and/ or assignment).

For full information regarding this module please see the .