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Institute in Paris

Rebecca Pouget

Communications and Marketing Officer

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Born with dual citizenships, French and American, I truly feel lucky to have the ability to navigate between languages, cultures and countries.

Being able to promote this unique institution that allows students to experience the same advantages that I have been able to enjoy – the ability to adapt, the flexibility of moving from one country to another and generally all the numerous benefits that bilingualism has to offer - is truly gratifying.

Seeing the vibrant student community here at ULIP reminds me somewhat of my personal experience in the US. By living abroad, you get to create an invaluable community of friends who become your family away from home.

Because students at ULIP are such a close-knit community and important to our institute, you are the best ULIP ambassadors to comment on your experiences. So watch out for me. I will be asking you a few questions and taking and requesting pictures to add to our website and social media platforms.