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Institute in Paris

Dr Davide Gallo Lassere

Lecturer in International Politics, Admissions Officer

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Summary of research interests and expertise

  • Theories of Global Capitalism
  • Theories of Modernity
  • International Politics
  • Crisis Theories
  • Critics of Neoliberalism
  • Social Movements
  • (Neo-)workerism

My research deals with global governance, the radicalization of neoliberalism, current transformations of the State, the precarization of life conditions and the role of finance in these processes. In addition, I also work on the different cycles of mobilization that have taken place on a global scale since 2008. More specifically, my research focuses on the French sequence, from the movement of 2016 against the labor reform to the Yellow Vests and beyond. This research aims to renew the conceptual apparatus we have for thinking neo- or post-workerist approaches. 

I am currently preparing materials for a book on the 2010s. In addition to reviews and articles on various blogs and sites, I am working on the sequence from the crisis of 2008 to the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, analysing the various social movements that have emerged on a global scale during the past decade, as well as the rise of the far-right. 


  • Post-doc (University of Lille)
  • Post-doc (University of Louvain-la-Neuve)
  • Post-doc (Lincean Academy in Rome)
  • PhD (University of Nanterre/University of Turin)


  • “Transnational Temporalities: Rethinking Internationalism Today”, in Cultural Politics (2023), forthcoming
  • “Back to the Present. Global Spaces, Pandemic Crises and Ecological Counter-Powers", in Verso (2022),
  • “Welcome to the Past. Autonomy of Nature, Fossil Fuels and the Capitalocene”, in Verso (2022),
  • “Soulèvement Gilets Jaunes : expériences et compréhensions plurielles de l’émeute”, with Cécile Lavergne, in Socio, n. 16 (2022), pp. 63-84, .
  • “Penser le capitalisme global : multiplication du travail, opérations du capital et contre-pouvoirs", in Actuel Marx, n° 68 (2020/2), pp. 185-203. 
  • “The Theoretical and Political Trajectory of Mario Tronti”, in Critical Handbook of Marxism and Postmarxism, (Routledge, Oxford, 2020), pp. 269-76. 
  • “A crise do Coletes Amarelos e o horizonte des possìveis”, in A. Mendes, G. Cocco (organizadores), O trabalho das linhas, Autografia, Rio de Janeiro (2020), pp. 65-80 (shortened version available also in French, in Revue K (2020), pp. 93-101 . 
  • “Les aventures de l’enquête militante : de Engels à l’opéraïsme”, with Frédéric Monferrand, in Rue Descartes, n. 96 (2019), pp. 93-107. 
  • “The Climate of Roundabouts. Gilets Jaunes and Environmentalism”, with Elodie Chédikian, Paul Guillibert, in Southern Atlantic Quarterly, n° 119/4 (2020), pp. 877-87. 
  • “Inquiry, between critics and politics”, with Frédéric Monferrand, in Southern Atlantic Quarterly, n° 118/2(2019), pp. 444-56. 
  • “Un pas en arrière, deux pas en avant”, with Jean-Paul Gasparian, Cannelle Ginoux and Matteo Polleri, introduction to Domination et sabotage, by Antonio Negri, (Entremonde, Genève-Paris,2019), pp. 5-45. 
  • “Sur la méthode opéraïste”, with Julien Allavena and Matteo Polleri, introduction to Mai 68 en France, by Sergio Bologna and Giairo Daghini, (Entremonde, Genève-Paris, 2019), pp. 5-15. 
  • “La crise des constructions européennes : une approche multidimensionnelle”, with Alexis Cukier, in é, n. 30-31 (2018), pp. 295-311. 
  • “Autonomia e soggettività: l’inchiesta ieri e oggi”, with Frédéric Monferrand, in Primo Maggio, n. 30 (2018), pp. 70-78. 
  • “Contre la Loi Travail et son monde. Autonomie et organisation dans le long mars français”, with Alexis Cukier, in Les temps modernes, n° 691 (December 2016), pp. 118-38. 
  • “Die Herausforderung der Moderne”, in Simmel Studies, n° 1-2(2016), pp 259-88.