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Why online HE should be about learning, not teaching


In a blog post for University World News, CODE Fellow David Baume argues that in an increasingly online post-Covid world, the fundamental question educators should be asking is “What are we putting online? Teaching? Or learning?”

In his CODE Fellow David Baume argues that in an increasingly online post-Covid world, higher education needs to decide to put less teaching, which somehow usually seems to end up mainly as the teaching of knowledge – as telling – online, and instead to focus more on the 4 Cs of Creativity, Communication, Collaboration and Criticality. That would mean an education system in which it is not just what we know that matters, but what we do with, and to, knowledge and how we select what knowledge is relevant to the task at hand.  Very little university education currently gives high priority to developing these skills adequately and rarely are they formally assessed he suggests. This should be the new normal in a world where vast amounts of current knowledge become wrong, or redundant, and machines are increasingly doing more of the ‘knowledge work’ for us.

This page was last updated on 11 July 2022