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Roger Mills award winners 2022


In a virtual online ceremony at the RIDE 2022 conference, winners of the Roger Mills Award for Innovation in Learning and Teaching were announced by Professor Wendy Thomson and Victoria Mills.  

Sarah Channon, Sarah Nicoll, Andrew Crook, Emma Boardman, Stephen Frean, Saira Khurshid Akhtar, Emma Driver, Michael Frill, William Stewart, Thomas Burt, Renato Previdelli, Raymond Macharia, from RVC, received the prize this year for their innovative project Dissection at Distance: Interactive Live-Streaming of Practical Anatomy via MS Teams. The prize, sponsored by àËÅöÊÓƵ Worldwide, is named in memory of Roger Mills, longstanding and well-loved former Fellow of the Centre for Distance Education and Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Open University.

Roger made a major contribution to the support of innovation in learning and teaching in the àËÅöÊÓƵ through his contribution to projects and academic policy development. This prize commemorates his contribution. In addition to this year's winners, four other applications received commendations for the quality of their submissions:

  • Bayes Digital Learning, Leonard Houx, City
  • Professional Graduate Certificate (PGCE): Teacher Development, Kim Insley, UCL
  • Fostering interdisciplinary researchers: PhD training and support at SOAS, Yenn Lee, SOAS
  • Enhancing doctoral supervision in UCL IOE and beyond, Jennie Golding, UCL.

Members of the judging panel were Prof Mary Stiasny OBE, PVC (International, Learning and Teaching), Prof Alan Tait (CODE Fellow), Neil Mosley (CODE Fellow), Dr Linda Amrane-Cooper, Chair, Director of Academic Practice in Distance Education, Director of CODE. Panel members were impressed by the quality of each of the applications. Each project takes a scholarly and rigorous approach to enhancing student learning through innovation in digital education. Although it was difficult to select just one winner, in the end the judges were unanimous in declaring that one project stood out, and this was the Dissection at Distance: Interactive Live-Streaming of Practical Anatomy via MS Teams, led by Sarah Channon, RVC.

This page was last updated on 7 November 2023