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CODE fellows scoop PQ Magazine Annual Oscar Award


The Icarus Accounting and Business Simulation, which has been used by thousands of students, wins the PQ Magazine Innovation in Accountancy Award at the PQ Magazine Annual Oscar Awards Ceremony on 22 April 2024.

Code PQ Award

Icarus is a bespoke – and now app-based - Accounting and Business simulation, originally designed to aid applied learning and create a sense of community in the àËÅöÊÓƵ global online MSc Professional Accountancy, with technical input from Unicorn Simulations. It is now also used in the àËÅöÊÓƵ global online MSc Accounting and Financial Management programme. is read by thousands of Accountancy Students and the Awards are sponsored by the major Professional Accountancy Bodies and education providers.

The MSc Professional Accountancy (MPAcc) is a joint venture between UCL School of Management, àËÅöÊÓƵ and ACCA. MSc Professional Accountancy Programme Director Lynsie Chew drove the Icarus simulation forward from inception and continues to spearhead it. In 2017 Icarus won Gold Award for Best Learning Simulation at the UK National Learning Technology Awards and in 2024 the new app-based version was shortlisted for the 2024 PQ Magazine Innovation in Accountancy Award, winning the award outright at the PQ Magazine Annual Oscar Awards Ceremony on 22 April.

Alan Parkinson and Peter Phillips receiving the award

Being away in Canada, CODE fellow Lynsie was unable to attend the award ceremony, so Alan Parkinson from UCL and CODE and Peter Phillips from Unicorn Simulations went on stage to receive the Award on her behalf.