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Alistair Jarvis's article published at Wonkhe

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Mark Piggott

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Partnerships and Governance) Alistair Jarvis CBE has had a thought-provoking article about the future of Higher Education published at Wonkhe. 

Alistair Jarvis, Pro Vice-Chancellor Partnerships and Governance, 嗨碰视频
Pro Vice-Chancellor Alistair Jarvis CBE has tough questions for government and the HE sector

In the piece, Alistair explains why both the sector and the government have work to do if universities are to remain financially solvent:

"We are all familiar with the context. Over the last decade, funding per student has not kept pace with inflation.

"This is the case across all four nations of the UK. A growing problem has become even more severe through a period of high inflation and by recent visa policy changes that have reduced international student applications to many universities.

"The Office for Students (OfS) has warned that many English higher education providers have declining surpluses, cash flow, and net liquidity. A growing number are projected to fall into deficit in the coming years. Many universities are making redundancies. Many universities are struggling to maintain the quality of the student experience at the current unit of resource.

"So what could a new government do? I have four questions for them. But it is not credible to make the issue solely government鈥檚 problem. We must also ask, what could universities do? I have four questions for us, too..."
