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Supporting Student Success workshop 2024: Assessment

Event information>

09.30-13.00 (GMT)

Senate House

The sixth Centre for Online and Distance Education ·É´Ç°ù°ì²õ³ó´Ç±è 'Supporting Student Success' will take place Tuesday 14 May 2024 in àËÅöÊÓƵ, with a focus on assessment. 

Supporting Student Success CODE
Participants at the 2023 Supporting Student Success workshop (Source: àËÅöÊÓƵ) 

The sixth Centre for Online and Distance Education ·É´Ç°ù°ì²õ³ó´Ç±è 'Supporting Student Success' will take place Tuesday 14 May 2024 in Senate House, àËÅöÊÓƵ.

This annual event offers professional development for colleagues in the field of distance and online learning. This year’s theme is ‘Supporting Student Success through Assessment’. We will be exploring the ever-changing landscape of HE assessment. This is an opportunity to share practice, to understand how as a sector we are revising and reforming our understanding and practice in the light of threats and opportunities in a post Generative AI world. 

The event will take the form of: 

  1. An in-person half day of workshops and interactive presentations on Tuesday 14 May 2024, 9.30-13.00 (GMT), Woburn Suite, Senate House, àËÅöÊÓƵ WC1E 7HU. 
  2. A series of webinars/online workshops on this year’s theme during May (dates and times to be announced).

Download the programme

Download the presentation abstracts and speaker bios