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The hybrid experience for the practitioner

Event information>

14.00 – 15.15 BST


Event type


The monthly Experiences in Digital Learning webinars from the Centre for Online and Distance Education and the àËÅöÊÓƵ Institute in Paris provide the opportunity to explore the rapid innovations and changes we are seeing in digital learning, teaching and assessment.

Our next Experience in Digital Learning webinar takes place on Thursday 9 June at 14.00 – 15.15 BST. In this webinar we will explore the hybrid experience from the perspective of the practitioner.

The Covid-19 pandemic has reignited arguments about the use of learning tools and methodologies, which have an impact on how both distance and campus-based learning is conducted. It has also reignited discussions about the impact of various forms of teaching and diverse uses of learning tools on student experiences. This webinar will look at what these transitions mean for practitioners, how institutions are implementing these changes, and what we can learn from these trends in order to better understand how this will affect practitioners' professional lives in the future.


The webinar will be chaired by Centre for Online and Distance Education Deputy Director, Dr J Simon Rofe.

  • Shoshi Ish-Horowicz, Head of Innovation and Learning at Queen Mary àËÅöÊÓƵ
  • Niilante Ogunsola-Ribeiro, Learning Technologist, àËÅöÊÓƵ
  • Simon Parr, Learning Technologist, School of Advanced Study, àËÅöÊÓƵ
  • Maylyn Tan, Assistant Dean and Head of Academic Development at Singapore Institute of Management Global Education.

Presentation details

Shoshi Ish-Horowicz (Queen Mary àËÅöÊÓƵ)

Abstract: At Queen Mary àËÅöÊÓƵ, Mixed-mode (hybrid) delivery was rolled out across the entire institution from Summer 2021. Over 130 teaching spaces were equipped to facilitate this, and training sessions were run within schools/Institutes and for individual members of staff from May 2021. This presentation will cover: 1) the strategic approach; 2) key pedagogic concerns; and 3) our next steps.

Niilante Ogunsola-Ribeiro and Simon Parr (School of Advanced Study, àËÅöÊÓƵ)

Abstract: The adoption of Technology Enhanced Learning has increased dramatically since 2020. This occurred largely as a response to an emergency but also as a conscious step towards a new pedagogical paradigm. How much progress have we made, what can we learn from our shortcomings and what comes next? Here we present our colleagues' vision for the future of postgraduate study and discuss the processes propelling us towards the university of 2030 and beyond.

Maylyn Tan (Singapore Institute of Management Global Education)

Abstract: Simultaneous delivery of in-person and synchronous online learning requires seamless interactions across the virtual and physical spaces. Although technology has somewhat closed the divide between the two worlds, it does not automatically lead to equitable learning experiences. The quality of learning engagement is likely dependent on the following factors:

  • Effective integration of technological infrastructure with space design
  • Virtual students’ access to acceptable hardware and connection requirements, and
  • The degree of multitasking (ie., dancing) expected of instructors as they move along the narrow fence separating the two groups of students

Variation in these dimensions may compromise the teaching and learning experiences either in one or both spaces. In this session, I will share the collective reflection of instructors navigating hybrid lessons when confronted with infrastructural limitations. I will also highlight strategies to address multitasking demands along with best practices for institutions considering to implement hybrid delivery.