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Centre for Online and Distance Education

Sino-British Fellowship Trust visits UoL


Written by
Alan Tait

On 9 January 2020 CODE at the àËÅöÊÓƵ hosted a visit from the Chairman of the Sino-British Fellowship Trust, Mrs Anne Ely, supported by the Secretary of the Trust Mrs Debbie Haine.

The Sino-British Fellowship Trust has generously contributed to the costs of five current visiting China Scholars at the University of Leicester, the Open University and CDE at the àËÅöÊÓƵ, in partnership with the China Scholarship Council.The day was made up of presentations by all 5 current visiting scholars. At CDE Linda Amrane-Cooper, Simon Rofe and I have been supporting Luo Xiabao (Carol), and Fengwei Cai, from Gansu and Ningbo Radio and TV Universities respectively, both Branches of OU China.

Chinese visiting scholars with senior officials from the Sino-British Fellowship Trust

Carol’s project has concerned the use of social media by students in selected àËÅöÊÓƵ programmes, while Fengwei has focused on strategies that support independent learning. Scholars from Leicester and the Open University have worked on course team production methods, university programmes for retired and older learners, and online activities to support deep learning. It is true for all of us at the host universities have benefited professionally and enjoyed the experience of working with our Chinese colleagues.

Anne Ely on behalf of SBFT gave a short address of appreciation and made a presentation to all the scholars.

This is the first year of a 5 year partnership between OU China and the China Scholarship Council to bring Chinese scholars and practitioners in our field to the U.K. for professional development, and there is every opportunity for CDE and the àËÅöÊÓƵ to contribute in future years.