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Alumnus inspires collaboration between UoL and Euro University of Bahrain


We spoke to Salman Aljanahi, Chief Operating Officer at Euro University of Bahrain (EUB) about his late father UoL alumnus Dr Ahmed Aljanahi, and how his studies helped shaped their offerings at EUB - a Recognised Teaching Centre of the àËÅöÊÓƵ.

“My father Dr Ahmed Aljanahi, a renowned and seasoned investment banker with over 40 years of experience, chose to study an LLM in Public International Law at the àËÅöÊÓƵ in 2017 due to a combination of personal interests, career aspirations, and the esteemed reputation of the University.

From a young age, Dr Aljanahi had a profound interest in understanding complex systems and financial markets. Initially starting his education in civil engineering, he then went on to explore the financial services sector, where he found his true passion. 

Dr Aljanahi supported his career shift by completing an MSc in Project Management and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) followed by a PhD in Strategic Management, which he completed in 2003. By 2017, having already achieved significant success in the financial sector and setting up banks, insurance companies, and investment houses, Dr Aljanahi sought to broaden his professional horizons by venturing into law. 

Dr Ahmed Aljanahi at Graduation 2019

Alumnus Dr Ahmed Aljanahi at his Graduation ceremony in 2019. 

The àËÅöÊÓƵ's global reputation for excellence was a significant influence on my father's decision to study the LLM in Public International Law.  The distinguished faculty and the opportunity to engage in advanced legal studies were particularly appealing to him. Additionally, the University's strong network of alumni and industry connections promised invaluable opportunities for professional development and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Despite an incredibly successful 40-year career in banking and an impressive academic background in civil engineering, project management and strategic management, his decision to embark on this new educational journey in 2017 was profoundly motivating. Watching him immerse himself in his studies with the same passion and dedication as he had in his earlier career stages reminded us all that the pursuit of knowledge and education truly knows no limits. It underscored the powerful message that learning is a lifelong endeavour, unbound by time or age, and highlighted the importance of continually expanding one's horizons. 

His commitment to broadening his expertise into the field of law not only enriched his professional repertoire, but also instilled in us the belief that it's never too late to seek new knowledge and grow intellectually.

Dr Aljanahi always held the àËÅöÊÓƵ in high regard, recognising its commitment to academic excellence and innovation. It is of profound significance and immense pride for Euro University of Bahrain to witness an esteemed alumnus of the àËÅöÊÓƵ successfully spearhead a collaborative initiative with the University where he earned his degree. His leadership in fostering this partnership highlights his deep-rooted connection to the àËÅöÊÓƵ and underscores his commitment to advancing education on a global scale.

The collaboration not only enhances the academic offerings at Euro University of Bahrain, but also honours Dr Aljanahi's legacy and dedication to bringing world-class educational opportunities to the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Middle East region.â€