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Sophie: the impact on students

Sophie was awarded the Convocation Trust Scholarship, allowing her to study the MA History of the Book programme at the Institute of English Studies (IES), part of the School of Advanced Study (SAS).

Sophie had dreamt of forging a career in the field of Special Collections and knew that the History of the Book programme at the IES would offer the opportunity to gain the practical experience and sound theoretical knowledge needed to do so. 

Receiving a scholarship that allowed her to commence her studies was the icing on top of the cake. Sophie describes that not only did it relieve some of the financial burden of paying for the course, it also had a real impact on her confidence and mindset heading into her first year.

I was so pleased to hear I'd received the Convocation Scholarship. Having applied for and receiving this Scholarship was a real confidence boost before I began my studies.

In many ways, Sophie’s experience was not what she initially expected, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit during her second year. This meant Sophie had two distinct experiences of her time at IES – the first year in person, with the opportunity to meet with her peers face-to-face, and the second year learning online at home. 

Sophie's story

Sophie had dreamt of forging a career in the field of Special Collections. Not only did the scholarship relieve some of the financial burden of paying for the course, it also had a real impact on her confidence and mindset heading into her first year.

As Sophie reflects back on her time as a student, she believes that receiving the Scholarship at the beginning set her up to achieve great things.

She is now employed full-time in the field she intended to enter when starting the course. “I had no idea that it would take me so long to graduate (due to the pandemic) but it was a wonderful journey, and I'm so pleased to have been the recipient of the Scholarship."

I would like to sincerely thank the Scholarship donors. My journey with the àËÅöÊÓƵ fills me with immense pride.

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