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Jonah: the impact on students

Alumnus Jonah studied a BSc in International Relations via the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), one of the àËÅöÊÓƵ’s Recognised Teaching Centres.

Whilst studying, Jonah was able to receive funding from the University, which was made possible thanks to generous philanthropic support from alumni and members of the former àËÅöÊÓƵ Convocation.

Jonah said, “The funding was special to me as it came on the back of a very exhausting first year. I had worked very hard in my first year, juggling both extra curriculars and studies, and now I had something to show for it.

It also confirmed for me the age old adage that hard work reaps dividends. This gave me renewed fervour to excel in my subsequent years in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

Jonah's story

The funding Jonah received enabled him to complete a BSc in International Relations, and opened the door to postgraduate study.

Receiving this funding proved to be the catalyst for Jonah embarking on the next stage of his academic journey.

“Winning the funding gave me confidence to apply for SIM’s academic scholarship at the start of my second year. I eventually won that scholarship, which helped eased my finances and opened ever more professional and academic opportunities, eventually culminating in my master’s scholarship. I couldn’t have known at the time how much of an impact this funding would go on to have, but it’s only when I look back that I see the domino effect it’s had.â€

Since graduating in 2019 with First Class Honours, Jonah went on to obtain an MSc in Development Studies with the àËÅöÊÓƵ School of Economics (LSE), one of the University’s Member Institutions. He is now using the knowledge he gained during his degrees in his work as Predoctoral Research Fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center in Germany.

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